
clotheSPIN is an app that will help users save time doing their laundry by letting them know when washers and dryers are available in a private laundry room or public laundromat (using a simple code associated with a machine in a participating locations). I designed and developed the app from concept, wireframing/prototyping to the final visual screens. Below are a few screens of clotheSPIN app shown on an iPhoneX.


Welcome Screen

This is the welcome screen that you will see once you download the app. It will have a short description on what it does and gives you four different options to sign up or log in. 


getting started

Once you sign up or log in, you will be directed to the "Getting Started" screen. Here you can choose whether you are going to a 'private' or 'public' laundry room.


Enter location

Once you choose either a 'private' or 'public' laundry room, it will direct you to this screen where you can enter your location or enter in your address. Once it locates you, the amount of washers in that location will appear and show you which ones are available or being used. Users can also reserve any of the machines at a certain time.